Seasteading! Eco-Restorative?
What if the way to save the ocean is to live on it? Up until now, human civilization has had a largely negative impact on the health of the oceans.… Read More »Seasteading! Eco-Restorative?
What if the way to save the ocean is to live on it? Up until now, human civilization has had a largely negative impact on the health of the oceans.… Read More »Seasteading! Eco-Restorative?
What did Chad and Nadia do wrong? In Episode 8, rogue admirals in the Royal Thai Navy submit a long list of alleged crimes to the media, while Chad and… Read More »THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 8: “Today is D-Day for The Thai Navy”
In episode 6, Chad and Nadia inspire many entrepreneurs to build a community of businesses to support the first seastead. Nobody imagined the Thai navy would charge them with a… Read More »THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 6: Fleeing The Death Threat
Sometimes people from the Navy and from oil rigs in the North Sea say Seasteaders are naïve. But environments on the sea are as diverse as environments on land. Just as the continents feature the Himalayas and the Sahara, the oceans feature the North Sea and the tropics.
Karina Czapiewska is one of the founders of Blue 21, which designs, engineers and implements floating architecture. Their goal is to create floating cities that have a positive impact on the surrounding ecology.
Joe Quirk discusses progress in the seasteading movement in season 2, episode 1 of the Seasteading Today podcast.
The dawn of the age of Seasteading began on February 2, 2019, when Ocean Builders achieved an engineering feat and an environmental feat. First they proved a single-family seastead can float stably in international waters for less than the cost of the average American home.
Seasteaders Offer to Help Thailand With Rising Sea Levels San Francisco, April 22, 2019 — The chairman of the Seasteading Institute ( Patri Friedman, urged compassion for a couple whose… Read More »Floating Islands Leader Urges Leniency for Offshore Couple