Announcing the Crypto Cruise Ship

Update: “How the Grinch Stole the Cruise Ship”

When you think of 2020, I want you to think of the number of people the first Crypto Cruise Ship can accommodate.

We are excited to announce that our friends, Chad Elwartowski (First Seasteader) and Rüdiger Koch (First Seastead Builder), have just purchased an 804-foot cruise ship with 777 passenger cabins. The individual cabins will be sold by Ocean Builders to aquapreneurs, digital nomads, expats and anyone else that wants to start seasteading.

The MS Satoshi is massive, with a capacity for 2020 passengers.

This advances all of our expectations for seasteading by at least 5 years. Ocean Builders will be making 200 cabins available for move-in within 90 days.

The ship will be enroute to its new home just outside of Panama City, Panama in just a few weeks.

And right next door…

And this is just the beginning. Ocean Builders plans on purchasing a barge or cargo ship to park close to the cruise ship where they will set up a floating factory to ramp up building of their SeaPods on the Pacific side of Panama with the employees living on the ship.

Chad Elwartowski, COO of Ocean Builders and now CEO of newly spun-off company Viva Vivas, told us, “We want seasteaders filling as many roles as possible on the cruise ship. From the ship officers to the business owners (restaurants, cafes, bars, etc.), seasteaders need to come down to Panama.”

With cabins starting at $25,000, this is your chance to get in on the ground floor of the most exciting development in seasteading.

You can sign up to get more information or to pre-register on their website.
