Business Directory

  • ArkPad

    A Seasteading and Naval Construction company operating out of the Philippines, developing one of the most diverse portfolios in emerging seasteading-adjacent technologies. ArkPad has two designs for floating structures, the ArkPad-C, a seastead home made of high strength Seasteading Cement, and the Hexafarm, a new type of floating fish cage that leverages polyculture. They are also innovating in the fields of DAPP, drones, and ocean mining.

  • Atlas Island

    Combining seasteading and free cities for maximal individual freedom.

  • The Freedom Haven project

    • 515-468-7364

    Crowdsourcing the building of a special custom-designed mega container ship to serve as a floating port city in international waters. The entire project is open-source and anyone is able to take what we've done so far and run with it. All proposals must hold to the socioeconomic freedom laid out in the Freedom Haven constitution. Join the Freedom Haven community for their monthly meeting on The Freedom Haven Project Discord.