Seasteading in Action

Seasteader Certification Adventure March 31 to April 6

The first single-family affordable seastead is floating in international waters, and it’s time to start learning from the new Masters. Chad, Nadia and Rudy are eager to teach you the basic skills to seastead in their neighborhood, like sailing, diving, and tying knots.

Seasteaders at Anarchapulco

A few weeks ago, The Seasteading Institute team traveled to Acapulco to mix with liberty-loving free-thinkers at the 5th Annual Anarchapulco conference.

Aquaculture in Singapore

With seed funding from Patri Friedman & João Germano’s ZIG Fund, Shannon Lim works to develop floating islands in Singapore through his company OnHand Agrarian. The platforms will be made with creatively applied, existing technology which will create floating real estate at one-fifth the cost of land in Singapore.