
The Seasteading Institute November 2009 Newsletter

At the Seasteading 2009 Conference, we were excited to unveil our new medium-term strategy, which we’ve dubbed The Poseidon Project. By 2015, TSI will create an independent seasteading community as the seed for the world’s first ocean city-state.

Conference & Ephemerisle are over

The website & blogs have been quiet because we’ve been very busy (obviously) with the conference & Ephemerisle, James & I just got back last night. I suspect this will be a bit of a decompression week for us, so don’t expect to hear much this week either, but I’ll try to get some links and roundups posted when I can.

Misc Updates

This is sort of a mini-newsletter, since this is a busy time of year for us I wanted to give you some updates.


Since opening registration last week, we’ve had conference signups from as far away as Germany.