Seasteading! Like Waterworld?
Will Seasteads just end up like Waterworld? Waterworld is what you imagine when you bring your land-based assumptions to the ocean. The movie opens to a world in which fresh… Read More »Seasteading! Like Waterworld?
Will Seasteads just end up like Waterworld? Waterworld is what you imagine when you bring your land-based assumptions to the ocean. The movie opens to a world in which fresh… Read More »Seasteading! Like Waterworld?
Regulations are the rules by which a society is organized. The least intrusive regulations provide a process for resolving conflicts between individuals and organizations. More intrusive regulations govern the economic and moral activity of individuals and organizations.
The United States was founded as a tax haven. The British Empire tried to impose taxes by force, but a small group of colonists thought they could do a better job governing themselves. The United States became a haven for people dissatisfied with everything the old governments did poorly.
The dawn of the age of Seasteading began on February 2, 2019, when Ocean Builders achieved an engineering feat and an environmental feat. First they proved a single-family seastead can float stably in international waters for less than the cost of the average American home.
In 1971, four years after he designed a floating city, Buckminster Fuller wrote: “Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we’ve… Read More »Seasteading! What About Pollution?
The first small step to humanity’s future on the seas has been taken. Are you ready to make the leap and live free on the sea? In Episode 4, Chad… Read More »THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 4: Living the Life
The hits keep coming for our seasteaders, Chad and Nadia, as they work to lift the platform on to the spar. In Episode 3: Lifting the Stead, carefully made plans… Read More »THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 3: Lifting the Stead
Making history is not always smooth sailing for The First Seasteaders, Chad and Nadia. In Episode 2: Raising the Spar, they face the challenges of towing out a 20-meter-long spar… Read More »THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 2: Raising the Spar
At the beginning of 2019, determined volunteers launched the first single-family seastead into international waters. Facing many obstacles, including the biggest storm to hit Thailand in nearly 60 years, these… Read More »THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 1: Facing the Storm
When a wave hits an iceberg, seals sleeping on it rarely feel it move. Floating oil rigs operate on the same principle. The submerged pontoons that support these floating societies are so heavy, workers often play ping pong on the high seas.