Eating Like a Seasteader: Oysteravaganza

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Are you getting enough DHA? Seafood may be the best medicine for neural issues, cognitive decline, and difficulty paying attention because it contains this potent Omega-3 fatty acid found in only a few foods.

Fixing this vital nutrient deficiency doesn’t need to cost a ton if you “eat like a seasteader.” Oysters – canned, or ideally, fresh – are a powerhouse of nutrition.

Charlie shows how he discovered a cheap salad combo that balances the strong taste and texture of the inimitable smoke oyster with the crunch, and spice of peanuts, hot sauce, and parmesan cheese  – all for less than the price of your morning coffee:

Poor Man’s Paleo – Peanut Cabbage Oyster Salad

  • Prep Time: 5 Minutes
  • Cook Time: 0 Minutes
  • Total Time: 5 Minutes
  • Servings: 1-2
  • Calories: 600 – 1000

A crunchy spicy, and super satiating salad using all affordable ingredients. Peanut Cabbage Oyster Salad masks the pungent taste of smoked oysters with the strong flavors of peanuts, hot sauce and parmesan cheese


  • 1 can of smoked oysters in olive oil
  • A handful of shredded cabbage
  • 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • Small handful of peanuts, sunflowers seeds or other preferred nut/seed salad topper
  • 1/8 cup shredded parmesan cheese
  • Hot sauce, salt and pepper to taste


  • Put a whole or 1/2 can of smoked oysters and olive oil into cabbage bed – Cut oysters in half with a fork
  • Add peanuts, parmesan, vinegar, and hot sauce
  • Stir together without crushing the oysters

Find the poor man’s paleo shopping guide for thriving on a budget at
