Sometimes people from the Navy and from oil rigs in the North Sea say Seasteaders are naïve.
“Take it from an old sailor,” a supporter wrote. “The seas are brutal. Stormy. Freezing. With waves so high, seasickness makes you vomit and die. You better be prepared and trained.”
But environments on the sea are as diverse as environments on land. Just as the continents feature the Himalayas and the Sahara, the oceans feature the North Sea and the tropics.
Ocean Builders calculates that there is 3 times more area in hurricane-free ocean than there is habitable land in the world. Chad and Nadia’s first affordable single-family seastead was built in the Andaman Sea, because it’s the most benign ocean environment close to a thriving tourist destination.
Winds are calm, waves higher than five meters have never been recorded, and it’s hundreds of miles from the nearest pirate. And that’s not all: there are thousands of miles of oceans just like this.
With this technology we can populate the largest frontier on the planet, starting now. Many oil rigs have to be built in the North Sea, because that’s where the oil is. Many Navy ships must sail through stormy seas, because that’s where security is required. But seateaders will build where families want to live: calm, clear waters with beautiful tropical weather.
If you’d like to learn more about real paradises at sea, go to and read Seasteading: How Floating Nations Will Restore the Environment, Enrich the Poor, Cure the Sick, and Liberate Humanity from Politicians.