Do you theorize about the laws that will govern seasteads? We invite you to share your insights on Discord, Telegram, or Reddit.
Several legal scholars have designed what they consider to be the best possible legal system and solicited The Seasteading Institute to instantiate their vision on a floating city.
One of the more completely developed systems is called Las Portadas, and its author John Frederic Kosanke seeks input and guidance from legal scholars and and theorists.
Kosanke, author of Instead of Politics: (Civilization 101), has conceived a fully privatized system of justice dubbed RTR “Restitution Transfer and Recoupment,” developed a legal framework for Aquia – a sovereign free nation to encompass a variety of seasteads – revised Spencer MacCallum’s master lease (originally commissioned for Stiefel’s Atlantis) to be used for multiple tenant seasteads and oceangoing vessels underwritten by Las Portadas, penned a Declaration of Autonomy for lease or transfer of title to territories and aquatories from existing nation states, and detailed a CitSOP (citizen stock ownership plan) for the buyout of existing countries by their citizens – originally for Doug Casey’s plan for Aristide’s Haiti.
Will Las Portadas work? We have no idea. Patri Friedman wrote, “Seasteading is not about imposing specific policies; it’s about resetting the parameters of progress. We want to enable many groups of social entrepreneurs to create many new societies, each of which creates laws in a different way.”
Join the discussion about what kind of societies we would like to see at sea.
John says, “I welcome comments and suggestions on the Seasteading wiki’s discussion pages for all of the linked articles. Typographical edits can be made directly on the wiki, and suggested wording and comments can be made on the respective discussion pages. I am looking forward to a fruitful `constitutional convention’.”
Thanks in advance for your help.
Joe Quirk, Seavangelist |
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The Floating City Project
Architectural Design Contest
Attention architects, engineers, designers and students. You can influence the design of the first floating city and take a shot at winning a cash prize, an internship at DeltaSync, and having your design featured in international media. Details, rules and registration at: |
For starters, Fermont Quebec, a private city with a population hovering around 3,000, demonstrates the feasibility of privately run towns in hostile environments. The ClubStead MasterLease of Las Portadas opens up ground-floor opportunities, and makes scalable autonomous seasteading communities an attractive investment.
Government will quickly get corrupted or bought out and shut down on any seastead UNLESS the sea stead’s government leaders are on living wages and allowed no contributions, along with anti-polarization laws like NO political parties, as George Washington tried to warn the USA about in his farewell address. Also, engineers with the most humanitarian experience should get elected as sea stead leaders; engineers solve problems and move on, but lawyers bring up more problems, raise their own salary, and stay there forever.
All other governing issues will be quickly solved with living wage leaders, and science, and renewable energy in general will make great advancements.
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