
October Snippets

We are going to switch to monthly snippets, as weekly seemed too often for such a small organization. In addition to posting them here, we are emailing them to the new Seasteading Announcements mailing list, as many people said they preferred email to blogs.  The list will receive a subset of the information on the blog: monthly snippets, social announcements, and major updates.

There is another way!

Today, America goes to the polls.  Whoever wins, we will not be ruled by a tyrannical despot.  Whoever wins, we will not die by the millions of starvation. Whoever wins, there will not be widespread violence, or a civil war.  Democracy is a huge advance over previous systems – it is very good at minimizing bloodshed.

Post-conference updates: brainstorming sessions, blog posts

I have captured the group brainstorming sessions by taking pictures of each sheet (not uploaded yet), and creating Google Docs.  Anyone is welcome to edit the doc, just comment here or email for editing privileges: