Thanks to our videographer Vijay and volunteer Chris Rasch, both halves of the conference are now available on Google Video. We will have links to DVDs for online purchase shortly.
Seasteading08 conference up on Google Video!

Thanks to our videographer Vijay and volunteer Chris Rasch, both halves of the conference are now available on Google Video. We will have links to DVDs for online purchase shortly.
Yay, like i said, i love your intro talk patri: im going to send a link of it to a couple of people that i failed to convince of the merits of seasteading: i think youd do better.
Slides would have been nice, but im surprised how little their absence matters really.
You should really put these videos up on some P2P sites, to maximize publicity.
We are selling them on plastic for people who want them that way and to make money, but we also want to give them away for free.
Slides: Keynote in PPTX format (Warning: presentation file is 350MB, some computers can’t load it).