
Heading to Offshore Technology Conference next week!

I’ll be at the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, Texas on Tuesday & Wednesday next week to listen and learn about the current state of the offshore industry.  If anyone else will be there and wants to get together, add a comment or send me an email.  If there’s enough interest, maybe we can do a dinner on Tuesday?

Why Seasteading Matters

A lot of bad things happen in the world, which means there are a lot of options for those who wish to make the world a better place.  And there are some consistent patterns to the badness which make some areas more fruitful than others for the advancement of humanity.  Arnold Kling writes:

Forum RSS feeds

For those (like me) who prefer using RSS to going to a webpage, we now have RSS feeds for the forum.  At the top level, there is a feed of all new topics in all forums: