
Forum RSS feeds

For those (like me) who prefer using RSS to going to a webpage, we now have RSS feeds for the forum.  At the top level, there is a feed of all new topics in all forums:

Weekly Snippets, 4/21/2008

My day job is at Google, where there has long been a tradition of the “weekly snippet”.  This is a short summary written every Monday about what you did last week and what you plan to do this week, automatically indexed so you can search them or look at someone’s snippets.  It’s a nice way to keep track of what other people are doing, and I’d like to bring snippets to TSI.  Here are some snippets for our first public week:

Website formatting fubared

Some of the recent set of website changes, probably installing the GUI editor, seems to have broken the formatting of the site, specifically by removing paragraph tags.  Sorry about that!  I’ve fixed some of the pages by hand, but the rest will have to wait until our Drupal coder fixes the bug.