
Ocean Geohashing?

Today’s xkcd suggests geohashing – using the date and Dow opening to generate a random physical location for a meetup.  It’s fun to think about this method being used to coordinate Ephemerisle gatherings.  I can see the method being both better and worse on the ocean because of it’s relative homogeneity – every place is like every other place.  So you don’t have the failure mode of randomly generating a location that’s difficult or impossible to reach, but you don’t get

Thanks for all the response!

Hey everyone.  The response from the net this week has been phenomenal, which means we’re a bit swamped with emails.  Many of them are offers to volunteer or form collaborative relationships, which is great!  We have a big vision, a small staff, and a small budget, so your help is crucial in bringing this dea into reality.

2008 Conference Date/Location Feedback!

We’re considering a couple different locations and dates for our first annual conference in the fall, and would like your feedback.  We’re tentatively planning for October 5th or 12th, in the SF Bay Area.  So please let us know if there is another major related event that conflicts with these dates.

Call For Volunteers!

Like many non-profits, we have ambitious goals and limited resources, and volunteer assistance is crucial for making up the difference.  Seasteading attracts some amazingly talented people, and I hope that a few of you have the free time to lend us a hand.  I’ve posted our current set of requests here, and am reproducing the list below.  Each job title links to its description on the volunteer page.