Floating Lifestyle Design with Morgan Ræ

Award-winning interior designer Morgan Ræ joins Seasteading Today host Carly Jackson to talk about designing interiors for floating structures.

Morgan worked her way up in the hospitality industry, starting as a child! During her career she worked with cruise ship companies to design interiors and living spaces, learning about particular requirements for floating vessels. Her company, L’eautelier, is a lifestyle company for clients looking to transition from their current lifestyle on land to floating on the water.

In this interview, Morgan describes her process for designing a space. Designers are problem solvers and Morgan enjoys the opportunity to bring her own solution to a problem. Living and working on the ocean presents new challenges and new opportunities for creative problem-solving.

After seeing a copy of Seasteading: How Floating Nations Will  Restore the Environment, Enrich the Poor, Cure the Sick, and Liberate Humanity from Politicians as a recommended book in a public library, she was inspired by the futuristic designs. She linked up with Ocean Builders after seeing the Sea Pod design on Instagram.

Morgan learned about the Innovation Radical Innovation Award and spearheaded submission from application through to the final jury video for Ocean Builders. She recommends that aquapreneurs submit projects to awards programs because it helps them develop a marketing strategy.

Seasteaders have the chance to use materials from the sea, which would make them more sustainable. Morgan has considered Coco-Matº, mattresses made from natural materials, including: rubberized coconut fibers, horsehair fibers, cactus fiber and seaweed. She has also explored using living materials like hemp for their antimicrobial qualities and a agave rugs from Morocco that can withstand salty water and sea air. She talks about using fish leather, small triangles of fish skin.

Read the transcript of this episode here.
