Huffington Post: “Oceantop Living in a Seastead – Realistic, Sustainable, and Coming Soon”

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Yesterday, Huffington Post contributor James Carli published an accurate article about our endeavor to develop the first seastead in French Polynesia.

“Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk recently announced grand – and expensive – plans for humans to populate Mars in the near future.” Carli writes. Then asks, “But what if there were a more practical way to inhabit another frontier, using the atmosphere we already have, and in the process to create a platform for developing the tools and innovations to help us adapt to climate change?”

The article acknowledges, “Low-lying islands in the Pacific, like Kiribati and parts of French Polynesia, face the imminent threat of disappearing because of sea level rise. … seasteading offers one practical solution for these places to create new, resilient territories on which to continue to exist. This is an angle that piqued French Polynesia’s interest …”

I’d be grateful if you would share this article with your social networks to inspire more people to become seasteaders.

Onward, Randolph Hencken Executive Director

P.S. The Seasteading Institute is a nonprofit charitable organization. If you value our work and want us to succeed in creating the first floating islands, I encourage you to become a member and support our next important steps to the seas. Please donate whatever you are comfortable giving, whether it’s $25, $100, $1000, or $10,000 – whether it’s a one time donation or if you sign up as a monthly supporter – your contribution will be meaningful and valuable to us as we work to develop new opportunities on the blue frontier.


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