Giving Thanks for Volunteers

It’s Thanksgiving in the United States today, so I would like to give thanks for all the volunteers who have helped keep The Seasteading Institute going this year. We are a small team so we rely on volunteers to do a lot of the work to build our community.

First, our head Ambassador, Katie Chowne interviews everyone who asks to become an Ambassador. She gets to know them in interviews, and learns why they are interested in seasteading. She remembers their skills and talents so that we can coordinate with them on reaching new audiences and supporting current projects.

Maintaining a website is a never-ending job. Lucky for us, our volunteers Matthew Fiorenza and Ervan Danell continue to give their time and expertise to make sure our website is always working in the background and attractive in the foreground. This year, I have relied on Matthew more and more to create good content and express our message. We have two new website volunteers, Mathis Hauville and Julio Meza who have tackled our backlog of website tasks with expert efficiency. 

I know our website is in good hands because volunteer Joe Christopher set up Google Analytics and responds quickly to make changes when we update the site.

Our Ambassadors are critical to our success. I want to acknowledge. Benoit Robein for translating our tweets to French and always being available to connect with French-speaking seasteaders. Ambassadors Jan Mundin and Frederic Pons have helped us make valuable connections. Ambassador Cameron Newland has hosted Meetups in Los Angeles.

Ambassador Margo Duesterhaus has hosted two book clubs this year and launched the Maryland Meetup Group.

Ambassador Derek Welch has started a project to create a Seastead Classification that will open up the legal path for seasteads in the maritime industry. He is recruiting more volunteers to help with this project.

Happy Thanksgiving and a huge thank you to all our volunteers!
