Announcing Season 4 of the Seasteading Today Podcast “Aquapreneurs!”

Season 4 of the Seasteading Today Podcast is all about Aquapreneurs. Interviewing the visionary Aquapreneurs currently working to build floating communities.

Season 4 of the Seasteading Today podcast will be the most visionary yet because we are interviewing the Aquapreneurs currently working to build floating communities.

In our first episode, you’ll learn about Atlas Island, a project created by Seasteading Ambassadors who are creating a pragmatic and logical process to start a seasteading community, based on the Free Private Cities model.

We’ll also talk about the unique challenges of designing floating homes with Morgan Rae, underwater habitats with Brendan Traxler of Atlantis Sea Colony, and pre-steading on land with Ambassador Cameron Newland. You will hear about the official launch of the Ocean Builders SeaPod in Panama from a new member of their team, Connor Firmender.

We’ll wrap up the season talking about Ethos Island, an off-shoot of Atlas Island with a focus on making seasteading accessible to everyone, and Arktide, a project moving at the speed of light with modular platform designs that incorporates blockchain technology.

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