Scenario 1
JUMP TO THE MOST RECENT SCENARIO For this first round of game play, we have three established seasteads. On June 21, you will roll the dice to pick your character. On June 28th, the game will begin!Seasteads
The Constitutional Cruise
A written Constitution enumerating rights and responsibilities of residents, corporations, and the seastead builder (similar to Freedom Haven).
Operates on a retrofitted cruise ship that travels around the region.
The Caribbean Sea
The Crypto-Anarcho Citadel
A Blockchain-based smart contract. Players must deposit tokens into an “insurance” fund for liability, use crypto smart-contracts for registering property, use blockchain for voting and Ulex for dispute resolution, etc.
Individual, modular homes that can break apart and reform elsewhere to form a different community.
600 miles off the coast of French Guiana.
The Co-Op
Players pay a membership fee to access resources like food, lodging, clean water, etc. They can work on the seastead to earn credits to access more resources. A governing board will make decisions about how to grow food, generate energy, establish trade relations, etc. Board members are appointed by existing members and the Founder.
One large platform that residents and corporations live on and share space with each other.
100 miles off the coast of the State of Rio Grande Do Norte in Brazil, parallel with the Capital City of Natal.
Players will get to choose what character they wish to play from a pool of available characters, based in the order of highest dice roll to the lowest. Founder characters will be assigned to one of the three established seasteads. Non-founder characters will have to ask the Founder characters if they can join their seastead.-
Veronica Marianne Yavin Founder of The Constitutional Cruise
An administrator to the core. Incredible poker face. Control issues. Enjoys spending time alone reading when relaxing. Formed an LLC and recruited investors to purchase the cruise ship. Needs to lease out all the space in order to pay back her investors.
Administrator, Sociologist, Linguist
Richter Ivan Bossa Founder of The Crypto-Anarchist Citadel
Laissez-faire is a life mantra. Easily excitable. Loves karaoke and is in a band called “The Mariners” in reference to Waterworld. Made a fortune as an early Bitcoin adopter and founded a company to build single-family seastead homes.
Musician/Blockchain Programmer/Extremely Light Administrator
Izabel Hashimoto Belluci Founder of The Co-Op
Communitarian. Gritty. Daring. Willing to take risks to get what they want. Enjoys fashion and likes to make a statement with everything they do. Bold Fashion and Bold Personality. Venus Project enthusiast. Wants to create an environmentally sustainable, technology forward community. Comes from “Old Money” in Brazil and is fronting half of the endeavor with her own wealth, the other half from investors who are expecting a return on their investment soon.
Administrator, Lawyer-Maritime Law, Photographer
Simon McKenna
A bookish nerd. Likes to be helpful. Enjoys the sound of his own voice. Sometimes misses social cues.
Aquaponics, Aquaculture, Horticulture
Feng Bai
Very colorful. Eccentric. Talks a mile-a-minute. Knowledgeable about a variety of things.
Meteorologist, Oceanographer, Toxicology
Janni Katz
Calm, stoic type. Not one for small talk. Favorite color is purple. Enjoys old cinema.
Doctor, EMT, Psychologist
Jake Bernardo Alupay Macasaet
Excellent swimmer. Loves animals. Collects shot glasses. Has a strict diet and workout routine. Playful.
Zoology, Marine Biologist, Diver
Hayashi Himeko
Loves food and Americana culture. A Reverse Weeb. Likes to make friends with everyone. Always has an umbrella due to being a little sensitive to sunlight.
Computer Systems, Encryption, Electronics
Hira-Shinu Divakar
Work-a-holic. OCD. Has low-key anxiety. Knows a lot about a lot. Reliable. Friendly. Able to relax after one drink.
Security, Surveillance, Tactics
Rules Of The Game
- The Gamemaster, played by Alexander T. Clayton, will announce the encounter, or “Scenario”, of the week.
- Each day of the week (Monday – Friday) will act as a round of gameplay. A round of the game will last 20 hours from the initial start time of that round (10:00 AM Pacific Time). In that time, players will follow the founding governance structure of their seastead to come to a decision on how to respond. Decisions will be final at the end of the 20 hour mark (the following day at 6:00 AM Pacific Time). The following four hours till the start of the next round will be used to factor in your decisions for said next round.
- If a player is unhappy with the decisions of the seastead group, at the end of that week (Saturday at 10:00 AM Pacific Time) the player can ask to join another seastead group. That group has until the following Monday 10:00 AM Pacific Start Time to either accept the new member or reject them. Once a new Scenario begins, you are locked into that Seastead for the remainder of said Scenario.
- For Scenario 1, players will not be able to create new seasteads– save that for future Scenarios!