How does Patri spend his time?

People often ask me how I spend my time. Seasteading, after all, is a complex and audacious goal, and it isn’t immediately clear to most people exactly how someone would advance it. As it turns out, I’ve been tracking my time by project for the last couple months as an experiment in productivity enhancement. So while we’re working on improving our strategy documentation and 2011 plans, which we’ll of course share with you, I can actually tell you exactly what I spend most of my time on!

The table below does not include things like playing with our web stats and other activity not important enough to be a project, some travel time, and times when I failed to track my hours, but I’ve been able to track and focus on projects with about 2/3 of my time. Sorted by %age:

Email / Little Tasks17%
Dec. Futurist Coalition Event9%
Sink or Swim contest6%
Misc Events3%
Engineering Research2%

There were also a couple active projects with 0% – Location Research (because we’re still hiring, and our Eng Director George Petrie is handling the initial interviews), and Legal Research (because we’re still hiring, and our Ops Director James Hogan is handling the initial interviews).

Speaking of project-based organization, expect to see the website layout shift in the coming weeks and months to focus a bit more on TSI’s core focus areas and our past, present, and future projects within them, so that it’s clear exactly what we’re working on.


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