Donate now to TRIPLE your gift by 2 matching donors!

Donate now and your donation could be TRIPLED or QUADRUPLED!

  • Two generous donors have agreed to match up to $50,000 each for donations received before December 31, 2023 – TRIPLED
  • Make your donation in crypto, stock, or through your Donor Advised Fund and help us win a $1000 match – QUADRUPLED
  • Also, when you donate crypto, stock, or through your Donor Advised Fund, you help us get a shot at a $45,000 grant- a huge head start to our 2024 fundraising goal!

We want seasteads to be safe for your grandmother to visit and to be protected from confiscation by territorial governments. This is where the important role of classification societies comes in. These independent organizations set the technical standards that determine whether ships and offshore structures are legal. Without certification from a trusted classification society, no insurer will provide essential maritime coverage. And no flag state will register a vessel.

This poses a challenge for unconventional seastead designs, since existing classification societies focus their rules on traditional ships and industrial production platforms. They have yet to establish standards tailored to modular, movable seasteads. That’s why your continued support is so important. Every contribution brings us closer to establishing Classification Rules that ensure the maritime industry’s stamp of approval. Please consider making a one-time or recurring monthly donation, whether in dollars, crypto, stock shares or through your Donor Advised Fund. Thank you for your support!
