Conference & Ephemerisle are over

The website & blogs have been quiet because we’ve been very busy (obviously) with the conference & Ephemerisle, James & I just got back last night. I suspect this will be a bit of a decompression week for us, so don’t expect to hear much this week either, but I’ll try to get some links and roundups posted when I can. Our tentative plan for the conference talk videos is to try to get 2-3 a week edited/converted/uploaded and viewable online for the next month or two until they are all up.

For now, check out the Ephemerisle blogs/photos/videos webpage, or check out some of the loveliness below. My personal favorites are the videos: The spontaneous “I’m On A Boat” rooftop dancing:

Ephemerisle: We’re on a Floaty Thing, Motherfuckers from Dav Yaginuma.

And Tamas’ Ephemerisle 2009 video:

Ephemerisle 2009 from Tamas Kalman on Vimeo.

Some great photosets too:

Ephemerisle 2009


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